• training

Since 1986, Institute of Health Management, Pachod (IHMP) has trained over 8,000 health professionals from the NGO sector and 200 district health officials from the Government sector. Participants of our training programmes have come from all the states in India and from the following countries: Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. IHMP's training courses are conducted at our Pachod training centre, 57 km south of Aurangabad city. A guest house and catering facilities are available on site for participants and visiting faculty.

IHMP Offers the following training courses:

Title Course Duration Details
Planning Child-Centered Approaches for Community Development 6 days Know more
Child Health and Nutrition 10 days Know more
Information, Education & Communication (IEC) and Community Organization (Hindi) 10 days Know more
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) (English) 10 days Know more
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Community Health and Development Programmes 10 days Know more
Effective Supervision of Community Health Programmes 15 days Know more

The duration of all the training courses ranges from 6 to 15 days.

For further details about out professional courses contact:
Ms. Manisha Khale
Training Coordinator
Institute of Health Management, Pachod
PO Pachod
District Aurangabad, 431 121
Tel. 91 2431 - 221 382 / 221 419
Fax 91 2431 - 221 331

We run tailor-made courses for organizations that are able to send a minimum of 15 participants for a course.

Training courses that have been conducted on special request:

•Government of India: District health officials from four western states of India: specialised Training in Management of Reproductive and Child Health programmes.
•Sight Savers International: Training of staff in the use of logical framework for programme planning, monitoring and evaluation.
•Training in Action Research in Community Health – offered jointly by Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) and Institute of Health Management, Pachod (IHMP).
•Voluntary Health Association of India, National and State level staff from 26 States in India: Training in programme planning, monitoring and evaluation.
•Aga Khan Foundation: Training of project partners in programme management.
•Catholic Relief Services, Uttar Pradesh and Mumbai: Training of staff and coordinators in programme planning, monitoring and evaluation.

Training Gallery: