Teenaged girls are married off to young men who are much older than them. A large number of girls experience eve-teasing, molestation and sexual and domestic violence. IHMP provides group and individual counseling to boys and young men. The project aims to bring about a positive attitudinal change in boys and young men and a measurable reduction in the prevalence of sexual and domestic violence and gender inequitable behaviour.
What does IHMP do:
- Young married couples are enrolled immediately after their marriage and ‘gender sensitization’ workshops are organized for them.
- Monthly group counseling of unmarried boys and married young men is organized at the village level. These group meetings are conducted through a social norms approach.
- During group meetings, the boys and young men are invited for individual counseling. Counseling services are provided with a special focus on youth with poor self-esteem and self-efficacy.
- Couples are interviewed separately as soon as there is reported occurrence of domestic violence. Counseling is offered to young married men and their parents where necessary.
The expected Impact:
- Reduction in the proportion of young men getting married to girls less than 18 years.
- Measurable change in the attitude and behaviour of young men towards women.
- Reduction in gender inequitable and risky sexual behaviour.
- Reduction in the proportion of young men involved in perpetrating sexual and domestic violence.