Course Duration: 10 days



The course provides practical skills in planning and implementing IEC programmes. The course is divided into two parts – a 7 day module on IEC and a 3-day module on community organization. It integrates the principles of IEC and community organization for the purpose of changing health behaviours, increasing health service utilisation and demanding basic minimum needs.

Course objectives:

At the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Define IEC in terms of behaviour change, health service utilisation and demand generation for basic services and needs.
  • Plan an IEC programme to change defined behaviours, increase service utilisation and demand basic minimum needs.
  • Develop community resources (women, children, youth, etc.) as key IEC change agents.
  • Conduct need and situation specific IEC sessions (home visits and group meetings)
  • Plan and implement an IEC campaign
  • Establish and sustain community groups.
  • Balance community and programme needs.