Our Story
Since its inception 45 years ago, the Institute of Health Management, Pachod (IHMP) has been implementing innovative public health programmes with a strong focus on addressing the most pressing health concerns of marginalized and disadvantaged communities in the country. The Institute’s primary focus during the last 15 years has been on safeguarding and empowering vulnerable adolescent girls living in rural and urban slum communities. Its services have resulted in a significant impact such as measurable empowerment of adolescent girls, delay at the age of marriage and first pregnancy, reduction in maternal and child mortality and in the prevalence of low birth weight babies.
Our Work
7,500,000 +
Beneficiaries of IHMP's public health services since its inception
Married adolescent girls have been reached with sexual, reproductive health services
Unmarried adolescent girls have been empowered through life skills education
Boys and young men have undergone gender sensitization
Health personnel from the NGO sector and district health officials from the government sector have been trained by IHMP
Our Partners